Enterprise Placement Year
Try working for yourself
Instead of an industry placement with an employer, why not think about setting up your own business or working for yourself during your third year? Enterprise Placement Year is an alternative placement where you explore, research and develop your own business or try self-employment. All you need is a business idea, commitment, motivation, self-discipline and enthusiasm.
Watch our short animation to find out more about EPY and hear about Indie Shark Games and Devonte Brown's experiences during their year.
How does Enterprise Placement Year work?
Key facts
Enterprise Placement Year (EPY) runs from September until June. You'll have the support of The Enterprise Team throughout the year and we'll work closely with you to help you develop your ideas and make a success of your business.
What will the year involve?
Throughout EPY you will be expected to:
- Devote proper time, energy and commitment to your business and EPY, acting in a business-like manner throughout and proactively seeking support from Business Advisors as and when required
- Spend at least 21 hours per week working on your business
- Attend all appropriate presentations and events including Welcome Week, Enterprise Workshops, Boot Camp, Group Meetings and one-to-one meetings with Business Advisors
- Participate in competitions and initiatives when directed by the Enterprise Team and engage fully with all other external opportunities as and when presented
- Compile a monthly, and final end of year, reflection of your experiences and examples of work undertaken
- At the end of EPY you'll need to produce a business plan with financial forecasts, produce a profit & loss account for the year’s work, and present a 5-minute ‘pitch’ for your business and a 5-minute talk about your EPY experience to a panel
What do I do if I'm interested?
Contact us for a chat or talk to your School's Placement Unit.
How to apply
EPY is a competitive scheme and places are limited across the whole University. Complete and submit the Enterprise Placement 2022/23 Application Form to your School's Placement Office now so you don't miss out.
Applications are still open for EPY 2022/23 - apply now!