Hearing impairments

You can access support through the Disability Services. Please complete the registration form and you will be linked with an adviser. There are a range of adjustments we can put in place, some examples include:

  • Letting the staff know you may need to sit in a certain area of the lecture halls or classrooms.
  • Advising staff if you need to lip read.
  • Passing on written information ahead of taught sessions.

We can support you to apply for the Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA). This government fund can offer more support such as equipment to help you to engage better in lectures, seminars, and group work, or provide specialist support workers such as note takers or BSL interpreters. Please see the DSA section on our website.

Hearing impairments and university

Visit the National Deaf Children's Society for information on hearing impairments at university

Information for Deaf young people

Understand your rights and the support available for deaf people over 18 in the UK.

Tinnitus - RNID

Information, support and resources for Tinnitus from the Royal National Institute for Deaf People