Specific Learning Difficulties

If you have a specific learning difficulty you can access help through Disability Services. Please complete the registration form and you will be linked with one of our advisers.

What is a SpLD? 

SpLD is a term used to describe processing, language and memory issues which affect approximately 10% of the population. This includes dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia and dysgraphia. There are a number of indicators of a SpLD, including: 

  • Difficulties with spelling, writing, grammar or using symbols. 
  • Slower reading speed or the need to re-read information. 
  • Difficulties expressing ideas, either verbally or in writing. 
  • Short term memory difficulties. 
  • Poor organisation and time management. 

If you have not had a formal diagnosis, we can arrange for you to have an assessment. Please read our Support for students with SpLD leaflet for further information on this.

There are a range of adjustments we can put in place, some of these include:

  • Adjustments in assessment and exams such as additional time or the use of a computer.
  • Access to assistive technology such as read aloud software, speech to text software and spell-checking support.

We can support you to apply for the Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA) which can offer more support such as specialist skills tutor, and specialist software such as note taking software. Please read the DSA section of our website.


Support for students with SpLD

Download the leaflet outlining the support on offer for students with a Specific Learning Difficulty such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia and dysgraphia.

Guide to Going to University with Dyspraxia

A detailed guide to going to university from the Dyspraxia Foundation

Dyslexia at university

Guidance on studying and navigating student life with dyslexia