Active Hud
Active Hud is the sport & physical activity service at the University which is responsible for the University’s sports facilities and development programmes. Active Hud's aim is to get more students, more active, more often. They care about your wellbeing! Active Hud run initiatives throughout the year to help make your time at the University of Huddersfield a happy, productive, and active one. Being active doesn’t have to mean doing sport or going to the gym. There are lots of ways to be active; find the one that works for you!
Leadership, volunteering & work placements
Active Hud offer a range of voluntary and paid opportunities such as placements, leadership, Activator training and Coach Parker.
Social sport
With over 20 sports and activities per week, you can try something new or meet new people within our social sport environment.
Active wellbeing
Our indoor and outdoor active wellbeing activities provide opportunities to a range of people to become active and create a community spirit.