Assessment centres
What is an assessment centre?
An assessment centre is a crucial part of the selection process for some jobs that is designed to challenge your skills and enable employers to find out more about your personality. Typically, candidates will undertake presentations, group work exercises and psychometric tests. Other test-like, timed 'in-tray' exercises and interviews may be included as well. Assessment centres are often run over the course of one or sometimes two days and, while traditionally have been conducted in person, are now sometimes done online.
Assessment centre booklet
Have an upcoming assessment centre for a role? Learn about what to expect and tips for success in our guide.
Resources for interviews and assessment centres
Sites and resources to help with interviews and assessment centres
Assessment centre practice
Start your practice to prepare for assessment centre exercises with GF. Simply login with your university credentials
How to…pass an assessment centre
Virtual or in-person? Here’s an opportunity to learn about this part of the recruitment process. This video will give you tools and tips to help you prepare and give your best impression.
Useful links
The graduate's guide to assessment centres - Example activities at assessment centres, advice on what assessors look for and how to prepare
Prospects - Assessment Centre tips and includes an example format of the day
Psychometric tests - Visit out page on psychometric tests
PwC Employability Hub - Practical resources to support you with: online tests, assessment centres and interviews