Keeping students safe in Schools and on course

Safeguarding Risk Assessment

The University Safeguarding Policy (section 1.4) details:

The University recognises that Degree Apprentice students may be vulnerable to safeguarding concerns and, in accordance with the requirements of OFSTED in relation to Degree Apprenticeship Courses, each School is responsible for assessing any Safeguarding Risks to their Degree Apprentices and putting in place appropriate measures to ensure they are properly safeguarded and aware of the wellbeing support available to them as students of the University.

Each School delivering degree apprenticeship courses develops a School Safeguarding Risk Assessments and action plan detailing the risks and the actions they will take to mitigate them. This considers the nature of the cohort as adults completing courses (up to Level 7), that regulated activity is not being delivered and the context of any placements or work environments where regulated activity is relevant.


Enrolment and Induction

Students during enrolment have several key policies notified to them that create a safe study environment. These include policies and procedures such as Safeguarding, Health and Safety, Equality and Diversity and the Community Code of Conduct.


Every day contact

A key aspect of safeguarding is the everyday engagement the University has with students. Staff take notice of students’ behaviour and engagement. Extraordinary behaviours, disengagement in studies or concerns from fellow students may signal a safeguarding or wellbeing concern that requires exploring.

  • Changes in attendance and engagement – should be opportunities to check in
  • School Support and Guidance staff – can provide alternative friendly faces that students can discuss any concerns with


Personal Academic Tutor

The University takes an individualised approach to supporting each of its students to achieve their best. Personal Academic Tutors (PATs) have an important role to play in this, guiding students towards the most appropriate support, and helping them achieve their academic potential.

Expectations for PATs are detailed in the Personal Academic Tutoring Policy with allied guidance on iPark including when to refer.


Promoting wellbeing, safety, and safeguarding

Students need to know how to get support or how to refer fellow student for support.

  • Formally this is notified at enrolment as students join the University.
  • Induction sessions reinforce the range of support services available, key staff in schools who they can approach for help.
  • The Global Professional Award (GPA) will provide key information to students of how to look after their wellbeing and key services.

Periodic reminders of the support available are made at the start of each term and through the student newsletter and communications.


Students on Placement

Students will receive information as part of their course content on preparing for Placement and how to report a safeguarding concern including whistle blowing