Contact IT support
IT support is the first point of contact for all your University-related IT problems.
For issues requiring an immediate response, we're available by phone on 01484 473737.
If you are using Microsoft Teams, you can call us by searching for IT Support AA in the contacts list, or by directly dialling our telephone number.
For less urgent issues, we prefer you contact us via email at
We're based in the Library, at the Library and Computing Help Desk, on level 4 of the Schwann Building, where we'll be pleased to see you in person if you need us.
Let us know what you think about our service
In Computing and Library Services we are committed to providing you with excellent service, and we invite your feedback to help us to improve what we do.
We recognise, however, that sometimes we may not always provide the high level of service that we promise.
If you would like to take up any matter you think is unsatisfactory about the service you have received from us, please refer to our simple-to-use CLS Complaints Procedure (which is also available as a Flowchart).
We promise that we will deal with your complaint as quickly as possible, in confidence, keep you updated, and look at the pattern of complaints to identify areas where we need to improve.
Not satisfied with our response?
If you are not satisfied with how we have dealt with your feedback, please contact our Head of Customer Services, Lorraine Noel.