Making your timetable work for you
It happens to all of us - gaps in our timetable that seem to make life difficult. If you're wondering how best to fill those pesky blocks of time between lecturers and seminars, we've rounded up some useful ways to make the most of your timetable.
1. Study
Potentially an obvious one - and perhaps one you don't want to hear! - but incorporating private study into your regular timetable can really help create a more rounded way of working. It's well known that habits are hard to break, and allowing study to become a regular habit in your free time slots can help you from falling behind in your studies. It also helps you ensure that essential tasks are completed on time, and gives you a set time to switch off and focus on your course.
2. Group work/catch-ups
Whether you're on campus or at home, catching up with your fellow course mates can be great both socially and for your studies. Take this time to share ideas, discuss ongoing projects, or plan for an upcoming assignments. It's also worthwhile discussing your wellbeing, and ensuring you're handling the workload well. The benefit of utilising this time for group work with coursemates is that you're bound to find someone who also has the same free block of time as you!
3. Exercise
Getting some light exercise is a great way to spend your free time and can help relax both your body and mind. You may wish to join our on-site gym, TeamHud, or simply go for a walk around the area. Like studying, incorporating some form of exercise into your daily or weekly routine make it much easier to keep on top of, and helps ensure that you're getting the feel-good endorphins you need.
4. Find free online learning resources with LinkedIn Learning
The University offers all students the opportunity to access FREE online learning resources with LinkedIn Learning. From marketing to data anlytics, there's lots to learn to supplement your studies and to give you the best range of skills for future employment.
5. Have a break!
If you're trying to fill a two hour gap after a solid four hours of study, you may wish to simply take a break. Have something to eat, watch your favourite series - remember, taking bitesized breaks is an essential part of the learning process. Don't feel guilty for switching off!