Campus safety

Security Hub
Find out more about our dedicated security team, who work out of the Security Hub in the Harold Wilson Building.

Access on campus
Discover the general campus opening times, and advice on getting around campus.
Security Hub
We have a really safe campus but it’s important that you feel safe and secure all the time. To ensure our campus remains a safe place to study, work and socialise we have a dedicated security team, who work out of the Security Hub in the Harold Wilson Building, Main Entrance.
The Security Hub is open and staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, monitoring CCTV and to provide security advice and assistance. This includes when you are out and about in town in the evening – if you feel unsafe in any way just go the Security Hub and the Security staff will help and advise, including calling a taxi to help you get home.
The Security Hub telephone number: 01484 472220 (internal university phones extension 2220)
The Security Hub is also the place to:
- Report lost or found property - to collect lost property or to arrange a viewing of items, please telephone: 01484 47221 or email: – photo ID will be required.
- Report lost Student ID card – Security will immediately cancel access on the card, replacements will have to be authorised by your School and are issued at Library Reception.
- Report lights out on Campus – Security will let the campus maintenance team know.
- Report any other safety or security concerns you have – Security will take immediate action when they can and will ensure concerns are reported to the appropriate managers within the University.
Access on campus
University buildings are generally accessible between the hours of 8.00am – 6.00pm, Monday to Friday. Student Central is open until 10pm Monday to Friday and at weekends, so you can access the Student Union, Sports Centre and the SU Shop. Library Services publish their own access times, as they vary depending on the time of year.
Outside of these hours, buildings are automatically secured, but you may have card access to buildings in relation to your School or course. You can request access to specific areas in addition to those already granted by contacting your School Manager/Course Leader who will have to authorise your request.
Using your ID card
Your student ID card is also your swipe access card and your means to move securely around the campus, allowing access to the library and certain buildings.
- When entering buildings/libraries using your card access - please do not allow others to tailgate you into the building.
- Allowing others to use your student ID card is not permitted.
- Take care of your ID card and always report immediately to the Security Hub if you lose it or believe it has been stolen.