Results day

School of Computing & Engineering - Result Release June 2024 - Frequently Asked Questions

“I have been referred in an assessment – it says to contact my School office”

You will be required to resit the assessments/exams that you have failed, in the resit period. You should make good the existing piece of coursework unless you receive any other instructions from your module leader; your deadline for any assessments will be communicated via Brightspace or by email from your module leader.  If you do not see anything by the end of w/c 24th June, please make contact with them direct.   The submission date will normally be on or before 5th July, your module leader will specify the date.

Notifications of resit In-class tests will be made via Brightspace / email.  These will be held on or before 5th July.

If you are required to resit any formal exams, an exam timetable will be emailed after results release, and exams will take place during the week 1st – 5th  July 2024.

“My results say, “May Progress” what does that mean?”

This means you may progress onto your next year of study, congratulations!

“My results say, “Decision Deferred” what does that mean?”

This means the Course Assessment Board has not been able to permit you to progress to the next year of study yet. This is usually because you have to resit modules you have failed, or you have approved ECs which means you still have to take some assessments. The progression decision will be taken at the resit Course Assessment Board in July.  You will get your results on 24th July.

“My results say, ‘May Not Progress’ what does that mean?”

This means that you have not passed enough credits to progress on to the next year of your course, but you might be eligible to retake your failed modules.  Please contact the Guidance Team to go through your results  or Guidance Team Computing & Engineering Booking System (

“I had an Extenuating Circumstances Claim approved – when is my deadline?”

Your deadline for any assessments will be communicated via Brightspace or by email from your module leader.  If you do not see anything by the end of w/c 24th June, please make contact with them direct.   The submission date will normally be on or before 5th July.

Resit exams will be held between 1st – 5th July, you will be sent an exam timetable after results release.

There will be a Brightspace announcement / email from your module leader regarding when In-class tests have been scheduled, these will be on or before 5th July.

“There is a discrepancy between my published result for an assessment and my result showing on Brightspace – what do I need to do?”

Screenshot your mark from Brightspace and send this to us on, copying in your module leader.  Once your module leader confirms your correct mark, we will make any amendments as necessary.  However please be aware that marks you have seen on Brightspace were provisional and were still subject to internal and external moderation, and Course Assessment Board approval so the change might be genuine.

“What does QR mean in my results, I passed the module overall”

You are on a course accredited by the IET, one of their regulations is that you must pass all components of assessment worth 30% or more with a minimum mark of 30%, even if you have passed the module overall; therefore, you need to resit the component that you score less than 30% in.

“I have got “UI” recorded against one of my assessment marks what does this mean?”

If you have got a “UI” in one of your assessments this means that this assessment is Under Investigation due to alleged Academic Misconduct. You will receive an email regarding this and until the case is resolved your results will not be published for that module.

“I have “CP” recorded against one of my module results what does that mean?”

CP means Condoned Pass; if you have passed all modules, except one 20 credit module, but have scored between 30-39 in that module, you will automatically be awarded a ‘condoned pass’ meaning you have effectively passed the module.

“I have just one module that I haven’t passed, but scored more than 30 so thought I would be awarded a condoned pass but I haven’t”

If you joined a course from 2023 and are on a course accredited by the Engineering Council, students can only receive one condoned pass through the entirety of their course, therefore students are given the opportunity to improve their module result in the resit period.  If after the resits the module result has not improved, a condoned pass will be awarded.  However if the module has been passed overall, the use of the condoned pass can be saved for a subsequent year.

“I am not happy with a mark I have received”

It is important to note that work has been both internally and externally moderated, and approved at a Course Assessment Board.  In the first instance, please make direct contact with the tutor/module leader for feedback on how you have been awarded that mark.  If you still feel you have grounds for an Appeal then we would recommend you look at submitting a Course Assessment Board (CAB) Appeal.

“How do I submit a CAB Appeal?”

All information on CAB Appeals, can be found here - .  You should read the information and guidance document before submitting an Appeal and contact the Students Union Advice Centre for independent advice and guidance

The Advice Centre in the Students’ Union will be open as follows during the results period. (18th June to 2nd July)

Monday to Thursday                10am to 4:30pm

Friday                                             10am to 3pm

A limited number of pre-booked appointments are available during this time, via They are primarily offering a drop-in service and will have at least 2 advisors available to answer questions for students.

The Advice Centre have produced an online questionnaire to assist students who want to appeal their results. This should help you decide whether you can appeal a result. The questionnaire can be found here:

“I am a sponsored student and I would like a letter for my sponsor to show my results”

Your sponsor will receive a report directly from the International Office detailing your results and award, if applicable.  Nothing further should be required.  If it is, your sponsor must make contact with their sponsor liaison at the University.

“Can I apply for an extension on my resit coursework?”

Unfortunately, extension requests are not accepted in the resit period.  If your circumstances are such that you cannot meet the deadline, it will be necessary for you to submit an Extenuating Circumstances claim.  The School Guidance Team can advise you on how to do this and the implications of doing so or Guidance Team Computing & Engineering Booking System (

“I have been awarded my degree now, when will I receive my official certificate and transcript?”

Congratulations!  Certificates are not presented at Graduation ceremonies. Official certificates and transcripts are produced by the University’s central Registry team, and they will be posted out to your home address as soon as they are ready.  Please note that they produce the documents for the whole University so this can take up to 3 months for you to receive these.  Please check My Details and ensure that your home address details are accurate.  Overseas students will normally be emailed when their documents are ready and given the opportunity to collect these in person.  Any queries, please contact

“When are graduation ceremonies?”

Graduation ceremonies to be held in July are only for students who have been awarded when they receive their results on 18th June.  Students with resits will not be eligible to attend.  Details on graduation can be found:

“I don’t understand my results, who can I talk to?”

Please contact an advisor in the Student Guidance Team or book on to an appointment to speak to someone here Guidance Team Computing & Engineering Booking System (