You said, we did
Wellbeing appointments
You said: "I want a more confidential way to book appointments with Wellbeing - I'm not comfortable with booking them at iPoint."
We did: We changed our process so initial Wellbeing appointments are now booked online. This gives a more private and confidential way to book your appointments
Disability appointments
You said: "I want a more flexible way to book an appointment."
We did: We introduced an online booking appointment link as an additional way to book appointments, with an offer of an online or in-person appointment. All Advisers will book an appointment outside of traditional office hours if required.
Wellbeing Triage
You said: "I'm confused about who I need to speak to - I booked an appointment with Wellbeing and I needed to see Finance instead."
We did: We introduced an online triage form, which directs you to the right place, first time, rather than booking an appointment with Wellbeing only to be signposted elsewhere.
Jo Cox More in Common Centre
You said: "Prayer facilities are not fit for purpose, we need a better space"
We did: In December 2022, we opened the new Jo Cox More in Common Centre. This purpose-built centre provides a space for prayer, contemplation and worship.
Accessible furniture
You said: "Some teaching rooms are not accessible for me, there's no adjustable furniture."
We did: We purchased and deployed 35 height adjustable desks and 24 fully-adjustable chairs across campus and worked with timetabling to try to ensure that students with access and seating requirements are timetabled into rooms with this furniture.
PLSP Training
You said: "Our teaching staff are not always confident in how to access PLSPs"
We did: The Disability Team offered a training session on PLSPs, how they are developed and how to access them, to all Schools. We have so far presented to nearly 200 staff across the University.