Autism induction event

Tuesday 10 September 2024, 9.15am – 3.00pm.

Jo Cox More in Common Centre, Ground Floor Main Hall and Floor 1, Room 10


Join us on campus on Tuesday 10 September 2024. This event is aimed at autistic students and will be in a quieter environment will fewer attendees.  

(Please scroll down the page for the campus map where the location of the Jo Cox Building is identified and for information about parking.)


Programme of events

Time Description
9.15 - 9.30am Welcome and registration
9.30 - 10.10am Overview of the Day and Meet the Disability Advisers – We'll outline what will happen in each of the sessions on the programme and then split into small groups to find out more about work of the Disability Advisers.
10.15 - 11.15am

Lecture Experience – We'll move into one of the lecture theatres so you can experience what it is like to sit in a lecture. We'll pass on some useful tips for finding lecture rooms, accessing your timetable, taking notes, finding information on the virtual learning environment before and after lectures and using assistive technology to help with your learning. 

11.15am - 11.30am


11.30am - 12.30pm

Campus Tour – In small groups, we will show you around the main areas on campus and point out the location of some of the services on campus.

12.30 - 1.30pm

Lunch – bring some lunch to the Jo Cox Centre and play board games.

1.30 - 2.00pm

Find out More about our Autism Lunch Club and take part in a Kahoot Quiz

2.00 - 2.30pm

Library tour – have a look around the Library and meet the Library Disability Support Adviser

2.30 - 3.00pm

Find out more about the ways the University can support you during your studies - we will go back to the Jo Cox Centre to meet staff to find out more about wellbeing support.





Register for our Autism Induction event!

Sign up using our online booking form.

Booking for this event closes on Thursday 5 September.

Please see this map identifying the location of the Jo Cox More in Common Centre (42), where the induction activities will take place. The reception for the Induction Event is in the foyer of this building.

There is no parking on the University campus unless you have a disability related requirement, however there is parking available nearby. Further information about long and short stay options is available on the car parking page of the University web site.