Information for DSA Needs Assessors

Information for Disabled Students' Allowance Needs Assessors

This web page contains information you may need to be aware of when assessing disabled students who are or will be attending the University of Huddersfield. If you are unable to find any information you require, please email Disability Services.

A male student receiving help finding books from a Student Helper in the library

University support for disabled students

Take a look at the support available at the University, assistance with the £200 cost towards a DSA laptop, IT and assistive technology, campus access, and more.

A male student working with a note taker in a lecture

Non-Medical Helper rates

Find out about the current NMH provision at the University of Huddersfield and the charge rates.

Student on placement at Vauxhall

Accessible placements and disabled students

Find out more about accessible placements and the support available for disabled students whilst on placement.

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Exam adjustments and support

Discover how student can access support in exams.

Guidelines on essential reading lists

This document offers some advice on the production of an essential reading list which takes into account the requirements of disabled students.

Language modification guidelines

Advice on the production of exam scripts, assignments, presentations or other text for students who require modified language.

Assistance dog policy

Read the University procedure for staff, students and visitors when bringing an assistance dog on to the University campus