Jo Cox More in Common Centre

Opening Hours

From Monday 07 October 2024, the Jo Cox More in Common Centre's opening hours are as follows:

Monday - Thursday: 8.30am - 10pm

Friday: 8.30am - 7pm

Saturday: 9.30am - 8pm

Sunday: 10.30am - 8pm

You will need your student or staff ID card to enter and exit the centre.

Please have them on hand as you arrive!

Our new More in Common Centre contains prayer and community rooms, for the use of staff and students across the university, of all faiths and none. Inspired by the Jo Cox Foundation and the More in Common philosophy, this new building provides space for students and staff to facilitate and participate in significant conversations, education and programmes that celebrate Jo’s famous words “We are far more united and have far more in common than that which divides us.”

The centre includes: 

  • Muslim prayer rooms and specialised wudu washing facilities available throughout the day
  • A prayer and reflection room
  • A large, 200 capacity hall bookable for a variety of events and purposes
  • A social space and shared kitchen area, with free hot drinks, microwave facilities and space to relax, meet friends, or get some work done.
  • A bookable room for a wide range of purposes and events that promote and enhance our ‘More in Common’ philosophy
  • Outside space to enjoy the fresh air (maybe more so in summer!)

Do come in and say hello, we’d love to get to know you and show you the facilities the centre offers. You can also contact us via our email address

The centre is also the first University of Huddersfield building to be constructed to the WELL Building Standard. To find out more about the WELL Building Standard, and how this has been incorporated into the building to enhance users' health and wellbeing, book onto a tour.  You can also read our building user guide, giving more information about the building and its features.

Where to find us

The Jo Cox More in Common Centre is number 19 on the campus map below. You can also view and download the campus map as a PDF document.

Campus map July 2024

Customer Service

Student Services (including ActiveHud, Careers, Disability, GPA, Jo Cox More in Common Centre and Wellbeing), are committed to providing high quality customer service, please take a look at our service standards.