Rape Crisis have two clear definitions for sexual harassment and sexual assault, both of which are forms of sexual violence.
Sexual harassment
Sexual harassment is any unwanted sexual behaviour that makes someone feel upset, scared, offended or humiliated, or is meant to make them feel that way.
Sexual assault
Sexual assault happens when someone touches another person in a sexual manner without their consent. Or when someone makes another person take part in a sexual activity with them without that person's consent. It includes unwanted kissing and sexual touching.
If you’re still struggling with consent just imagine instead of initiating sex you’re making them a cup of tea.
Video credit: Thames Valley Police
The age of consent in England and Wales is 16. This is the legal age at which a person can take part in sexual activity. This applies to everyone, regardless of their sex or gender.
If someone 18 or older has sex with someone that is under 16 it is a crime.
Sexual activity with anyone under 13 is always a crime.
Although the legal age of consent is 16, the law has some extra protections in place to protect young people. It is illegal to:
Can I wear your hat? - A metaphor for sexual consent
Video credit: RecWell Health Promotion