During your self-isolation period, you will be required to stay in your room as much as possible. Here are some tips on keeping both yourself and others safe:
- If you need to access shared facilities (such as a kitchen or bathroom) it is important that you spend as little time as possible in communal spaces and try to do this at times when others aren’t present.
- Remember that if you have come out of your room and used shared facilities you should clean down the space afterwards using a disinfectant, paying particular attention to touch points such as door and cupboard handles, light switches, hard surfaces and any equipment (such as pans, kettles, etc).
- When outside of your room, use a face covering to minimise the potential spread of the virus (unless you are medically exempt).
- Keep your living space well ventilated by opening windows. This will also give you a connection to the outdoors.
- Keep your room clean and tidy. Perhaps put some time aside to create some order in your room and organise your space. Remember to regularly clean touch points in your room.
- You may find it difficult to keep on top of your laundry, as you are unable to access your usual facilities. You may have a trusted friend who could do this for you. Some accommodation providers are offering support with laundry for those students who are self-isolating. To find out if this applies to you check with the reception desk in your halls of residence. It is important that you bag your laundry and then leave it outside your room for collection to minimise contact with others.