Resources to help you to explore your career options

There are lots of simple steps you can take to explore your career options, come up with new ideas and narrow down your choices. Here are our top tips on what you can do, but remember, if you get stuck, you can book an appointment or ask us a question.

Find out what you can do with your degree

Want to know what students across the UK do after graduation? Prospects lists over 90 degree subjects and the careers connected to each.

See what careers might suit your skills and personality

An easy way to get some fresh ideas is to take the Jobs Match Beta test on Prospects. All you have to do is answer 26 questions and you'll get suggestions drawn from 400 occupational profiles.

Student making notes in JobShop

Researching your existing ideas futher

If you think you are already interested in a certain career or sector, why not read up on this? Is is like you imagined? Does it still appeal? Are there other jobs that are related or in the same sector that also might be worth looking in to?

Prospects is the best and easiest way to do this. Their Career Profiles are packed with useful and reliable information and each one lists other related careers. And their Job Sector section makes understanding what's going on in a part of the economy straightforward.

Student working on a Mac

Talk to people you know

If you have a part-time job, volunteer or have done work experience, you will know people who have insight into the world of work. These personal contacts can open up windows into careers you may not have thought of and into what organisations are actually like.

You can expand your network by making new contacts, for example through using LinkedIn, attending employer events at the University, students membership of professional bodies, or joining employability groups like the Bright Futures network.

Your family, friends and fellow students may also be an important source of careers insight, especially if they have direct experience of relevant careers and sectors.

The views of these contacts will, quite naturally, often be very specific to the individual. Remember to balance these individual perspectives with the picture based upon wider research from Prospects, and other reputable sites. For instance, have a look at icould which features real stories and advice from people in all kinds of professions.

Students in a group discussion

Try new things and be open to new opportunities

When you engage in new or different tasks and activities, you will, over time, develop ideas about what you enjoy and don't enjoy in different situations and environments. You will learn more about yourself, your capabilities and you will develop your skills, confidence and knowledge along the way. It is essential to engage in personal reflection throughout this process and keep a record of what you do. This will help to inform your career decision making and it will also support you in marketing yourself for future roles.

Two students from the School of education working on a project

Attend employer events, webinars, careers fairs and insight days

These are a great opportunity to find out more detail about particular roles, sectors and organisations, and an opportunity to potentially network with employers.

Browse our events calendar.

Get advice on how to network and prepare for the autumn careers fair by attending one of our popular How To workshops or watching a videoed session online.

Weigh up you options and work out what's best for you

To help you narrow down your career options and make well-formed career decisions, we've created a set of decision making tools and techniques. You can use these on a mix-and-match basis, so you can dip in and dip out and just do the ones you fancy.

A group of students or staff

Book appointment

To discuss your options and next steps further, book a careers guidance appointment

Regional jobs guide

Discover all the great places and companies on your doorstep. Covers all of Yorkshire and Manchester too.


Looking at live job adverts is a great way to find out more about what roles entail and the requirements of the role

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