Frequently asked questions


Before the ceremony

What are the times for arrival, robe collection, photography and the ceremony?
How do I book my place?
What happens if I still owe money like library fines?
Will I still be able to graduate if I still have books or other items on loan from the Library?
How do we hire our gowns and how much does it cost?
What is the time and date for the ceremony for my subject?
How do I get tickets for myself and my guests?
Will there be any spare tickets available for additional guests?
What if I need to cancel?
How to I/my guests apply for a visa?
How do I get a letter to support mine or my guest/s visa appplications?
How do we book our photography and how much does it cost?
Who can I get in touch with if I have any questions?
What else do I need to know?


On the day

What time and where should I arrive on campus?
What happens at the ceremony?
Where can I eat on the day?
Can children come along to the ceremony?
Is there access for disabled students and guests?
Are there any events after the ceremony?
What time is my ceremony taking place?
Where will my graduation ceremony take place?
How do my guests watch the live streaming on the internet?
How do I purchase memorabilia?
How do I get to Huddersfield and where can I stay?
Who can I get in touch with if I have any questions?
What else do I need to know?


After the ceremony

Now I have graduated, how can I keep in touch with the University?
When will my certificate be sent out to me?
How can I watch my ceremony again via the Internet?
Who can I get in touch with if I have any questions?