Information for disabled apprentices
Am I eligible for support?
If you have a disability or a long term condition and it has a significant impact upon your academic studies, you are entitled to support while you are studying. You will need to provide supporting information about your disability, and register with the service.
How will I access support?
Once you have registered with the Disability Service you will be offered an appointment with a Disability Adviser where you will have the opportunity to discuss the impact of the disability and the support available.
Disability Services will make arrangements for a Needs Assessment to be undertaken and a report produced. This will outline the impact of the disability on your studies and whether you require any specialist one-to-one support. The University's Learning Support Service will contact you to link you with the specialist support worker.
A referral will also be made to HudStudy to identify if you would benefit from any assistive technology, equipment and training. You will be given the opportunity to trial any assistive software. The University will then purchase the software or equipment and provide this to you.
A Personal Learning Support Plan (PLSP) will be written and the appropriate staff will be informed so they can put the recommended adjustments in place.
When should I contact you?
We recommend registering with the service before you start your course so that we can discuss support requirements and make sure these are in place. You can contact us at any time during your studies, particularly if you identify that you may need some help once you have begun your course.