Information for disabled international students

As a disabled international student you are entitled to the same level of support as all disabled students. The term 'disability' in the UK refers to an ongoing long-term condition (over 12 months or likely to last 12 months or more) that has a significant impact on your every-day functioning including academic studies. The following are all examples of a disability:

If I break my arm or have an operation are these classed as a disability?

No they are not. These conditions would be temporary and so are not classed as a disability. Your academic school would provide support for this.

Once you have registered with the service, a Disability Adviser will work with you to identify the supporting information we need about your disability, the impact your disability has on your studies, and the support you need. The information you provide must be in English or a certified translation.

You will be in a better position to achieve your full potential if you have the academic support that you require. 

What support is there?

When should I contact Disability Services?

It is recommended that you disclose your disability to us as soon as possible, preferably before you arrive in the UK, so we can discuss the support available to you, as there may be differences in the type of support you have previously received compared to the support on offer at the University. If we recognise this at an early stage, we can check that the support you are offered in the UK meets your needs.