Graduate Career Explorer is a new way to plan your career. Using Artificial Intelligence, it shows you what careers your degree can lead to and where the opportunities are in any part of the UK.
Before you begin using Graduate Career Explorer
We strongly recommend using Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge to access Graduate Career Explorer.
While we have made every effort to ensure that Graduate Career Explorer works across all devices, due to Apple’s default security policies, Tableau’s platform may not work with iPhones or Safari. If you have a MacBook and want to use Safari, please try these additional instructions first:
You'll need to enable cross-site tracking to access Graduate Career Explorer, here's how you can do it:
Enabling cross-site tracking might affect your online privacy and security, so you may want to turn it off again after using Graduate Career Explorer.
Get started on Graduate Career Explorer!
It is intuitive and easy to use. It can help you answer questions like:
Graduate Career Explorer gives you two reports for your degree:
Graduate Career Explorer is a careers learning tool that gives you the ideas and information to plan your career and identify the sort of opportunities you're interested in and discover how they're spread over the country. We recommend that alongside it you use JobShop and other graduate jobs boards to find and apply for vacancies.
If you would like help with career planning, or want to discuss ideas and issues raised by Graduate Career Explorer, please book a careers appointment.