This Student Can: Nat Stuart
Hi, I'm Nat, President of Huddersfield Students' Union. Before I took a year out of my studies to fulfil my role, I was studying an integrated Master's in social work. I come from a working class background and going to university was not the norm, this means I can often relate to the many socioeconomic struggles a vast number of our student's face. I created the Self-improvement Society and due to the success of this, I wanted to create positive change on a wider scale. Therefore, I ran in the elections to become SU President as my engagements with the SU had been extremely valuable, in terms of my personal and professional development.
I am happy to answer any questions or have a chat about my experiences via LinkedIn.
Filmed October 2021, information correct at time of filming.
Nat Stuart offers advice to students: get involved with volunteering, course/student rep and other work experience opportunities.