This Student Can: Sadaf Eslamian

My name is Sadaf Eslamian, I am the 21/22 Community Officer at Huddersfield Students’ Union. Being a part of this year’s Officer team is so fulfilling and an experience I can’t even put into words. I am a very passionate feminist so being part of the first ever all female team the Students Union has seen since it was established in 1927 makes me proud to be a woman. I have always been a very proud Iranian; my culture is a massive part of my identity and brining that into my role as Community Officer has been amazing especially with me being the first BAME Community Officer in 9 years and the first Iranian in post.  

Filmed August 2021, information correct at time of filming.


Sadaf, 2021/22 Community Officer at Huddersfield Students' Union explains how she has embraced her identity as a woman born outside of the UK to open doors in her career.


Sadaf describes the turning points in her career journey, from choosing her a-levels to joining networks at University.


Sadaf shares the top tips and advice she has received throughout her life, learning to be confident, face challenges and understanding the importance of diverse race and culture in the workplace.


Sadaf offers her advice to current students who have left their home to come to University, focusing on positivity and gaining experience.


Sadaf explains why she loves working with students to increase their engagement as the Community Officer with Huddersfield Students' Union.


Sadaf discusses the networks and programmes she joined when enrolling at University, the skills she acquired and opportunities this opened up.