How to...

The “How to...” videos are a series of sessions providing advice on key steps in your careers journey. You will find a wide range of topics, including from “find a part-time job” and “complete a successful application form” to “get into teaching” and “write a personal statement for further study”.  
Whether you are just beginning to consider your career options, or are well on your way to completing your applications, there is a “How to…” session suitable for you. 

How to... find a part-time job

Are you hoping to get a part-time job? Find out how to search for job opportunities in your local area, and how to be successful in the recruitment process.

How to…create a CV and cover letter

How can you catch an employer’s attention with your CV and cover letter? Learn the tools to make your application stand out from the crowd.

How to…prepare for a Careers Fair

Considering attending the Careers Fair? Virtual or in-person? No matter how ready you feel, this session will ensure you are prepared, confident, well-researched, and have a plan to make the most of the day.

How to…get into teacher training

Thinking of a career in teaching? Understand the varied routes into teaching and explore which options could be right for you. Learn how to approach the UCAS application and how to write your personal statement.

How to…find graduate schemes, internships and placements

Don’t know where to look? Find out about the differences between them and the best places to look for opportunities that will help you climb the ladder to success.

How to…complete a successful application form

How can you make sure your application stands out from the crowd? Gain the tools to frame your skills and experiences so that an employer knows you’re the candidate for them

How to…find and apply for further study

Thinking about postgraduate or further study? Here’s how to choose the right course for you and tailor your personal statement for a successful application.

How to…pass an assessment centre

Virtual or in-person? Here’s an opportunity to learn about this part of the recruitment process. This video will give you tools and tips to help you prepare and give your best impression.

How to…create a LinkedIn profile

Want to get noticed by employers and build networks in your chosen field? Whether it’s starting from the beginning or developing an existing profile you will learn how to showcase your strengths, create networks and expand your job opportunities.

How to… create a LinkedIn profile and network effectively

Want to get noticed by employers and build networks in your chosen field? Whether it’s starting from the beginning or developing an existing profile you will learn how to showcase your strengths, create networks and expand your job opportunities.

How to…find a graduate job

Do you know where to look for different kinds of jobs? Find out how to identify employers, source jobs and make the most of the hidden job market.

How to... become a HE lecturer

Interested in a role in academia? This session covers the relevant qualifications, skills and work experience requirements to help you become a HE lecturer. This session also covers how to search for and apply for lecturing opportunities.