Jobs, work experience and volunteering

A student looks through JobShop vacancies in the Careers Centre


The JobShop is the University's own vacancy website where we advertise thousands of full-time. part-time, graduate and work experience roles every year, many in our local region.

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Careers sector links

Research careers with our directory of websites providing advice, opportunities, events and vacancies, specific to the careers sector of your interest.

The Careers and Employability service operates impartially when advertising job opportunities and working with employers. We provide a wide range of opportunities and encourage students and graduates to conduct research to make independent decisions in relation to the ethics of the organisations advertised.

Mechanical Engineering student Abiobelari Collins on placement at Vauxhall getting the reading from a device


Placements are periods of work experience in your degree. Find out about these popular opportunities and how your School can help with getting a placement.

A customer swiping their card in a hair salon

Part-time jobs and work experience

Find part-time jobs and work experience/volunteering vacancies and discover resources to help you get the experience you need.

Dr Mark Mynett - Senior Lecturer in Music Technology

Graduate roles

Find out about the many exciting opportunities open to you as a graduate including: grad schemes, other graduate jobs and graduate internships.

Front cover snippet from the Regional Jobs Guide

Regional Jobs Guide

Discover all the great places and companies on your doorstep. Covers all of Yorkshire and Manchester too.

Kirklees Top 100 Companies Logo Banner

Kirklees Top 100

Learn about the great careers at the 100 leading local companies in Kirklees.

Two education students taking part in a practical activity

Opportunities catalogue

Need ideas on how to enhance your CV? Then check out the opportunities catalogue for lots of great ways of getting the evidence that employers look for.

How to use the JobShop

Tips on how to easily find the vacancies your are looking for in the online JobShop.

How to use recruitment agencies

Discover how recruitment agencies can help you get a graduate job.

Santander Universities events

Meet top employers, study free skills development courses and access enterprise start-up funds - all through the Santander Universities scheme.

Employment advice sites

Ever wondered what an organisation is really like to work for? Browse these advice sites to find out about the company you're interested in

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