Information for disabled distance learners
Am I eligible for support?
If you have a disability or a long-term condition and it has a significant impact upon your academic studies, you are entitled to support while you are studying.
How can I access support?
You will need to provide supporting information about your disability, and register with Disability Services.
Once you have registered, you will be put in contact with a Disability Adviser to discuss the impact of the disability on study and the support available.
What type of support is available?
Support put in place by the University:
Support and adjustments are recommended for your study to mitigate the impact of a disability. This might include support in online taught sessions, adjustments to assignment deadlines, additional time for exams. A Personal Learning Support Plan (PLSP) will be produced which outlines the support and adjustments you require for your studies. This is an electronic document, held on your student record. You can access the PLSP via MyHud, click on My Details and visit the accessibility tab. Staff who are working with you will be informed so they can put the recommended adjustments in place.
Additional support:
If you require additional support to access your studies such as specialist support workers, assistive technology or equipment, eligible UK students will be supported to apply for the Disabled Students Allowance. This is a non-means tested government allowance which can fund the cost of the additional support.
If you are a disabled international student and you require specialist support workers, assistive technology or equipment, the University will provide this to help mitigate the impact of a disability.
Assistive technology:
HudStudy: Assistive Technology Support is a service offered by the University of Huddersfield which can help with studying and learning. HudStudy can recommend and provide training on assistive technologies and software which can support a range of learning styles, abilities and difficulties thus enabling students to better meet study requirements, resulting in more confident, independent learning and better academic output.
When should I contact you?
We recommend registering with Disability Services before you start your course so that we can discuss support requirements and make sure these are in place. You can email at any time during your studies, particularly if you identify that you may need some help once you have begun your course.
If you have non-disability related support enquiries, you can email direct. There is more information about support for Distance Learners on the website in the ‘Supporting your learning’ section.
Support and access information
The University aims to ensure that all distance learning courses utilise learning and teaching materials that are fully digitally accessible.
You can access the online materials at any time and study at a time and pace to suit you and your needs.
Any online delivery of teaching that is delivered live (or synchronous) will be recorded in line with the University’s Audio and Video Capture Policy.
If you experience any difficulties or issues with access or support, please contact