I need support or help

I’m struggling - who can help?

Wellbeing and Disability Services deal with varied and complex situations so please don't feel you're alone. Check out our support on campus and 24/7 support to see what you'd like to try first. If you choose to see one of our advisers we may be able to put you in contact with other services that may be relevant to you, both internal and external to the University.   


I have no money for food - what can I do?

In the first instance, we would strongly advise you contact the Student Finance office and discuss your situation. If your situation is affecting your wellbeing and you feel that speaking to one of our Advisers would help, please get in touch


How do I book a counselling appointment?

All referrals to counselling are made by one of our advisers if they deem it most suitable for you.  Please check out pages on appointments to get started.  


I am not happy with my living arrangements - what can I do?

If you'd like to speak with one of our Advisers, please refer to the support we offer on campus. You may also wish to have a look at our accommodation section, which has housing options available throughout the year.


I’m feeling homesick - can I speak to someone?

Absolutely! Feeling homesick is extremely common and the chances are that you are not alone - most students feel homesick at some point during their time at University.  Sometimes there may be complex reasons for missing home, but often it’s just the familiarity of friends and family.  Check out our  and  to find the most suitable support for you.


I have confidence issues - is there any support available?

Yes! Come and speak to one of our advisers.  They will be able to work with you to identify strategies to help with your confidence. We might also have a workshop or group that would meet your needs and allow you to build your confidence and skills in a supported environment. To meet an adviser, please book an appointment.


I have family problems - who can I talk to?

We are able to offer support to any student experiencing difficulties, so please come and talk to us. The easiest way to do this is by checking out our  and  and determining which method of support you'd like to start with.


I have had a bereavement and don’t know what to do - is there anything the University can do?

We understand that dealing with bereavement is extremely difficult, especially when you are trying to manage your studies alongside this. Our Advisers are able to offer support and signpost you to specific agencies who can help you manage how you feel. Please book a Wellbeing appointment to get started.