Support on campus

One-to-one Wellbeing appointments give you the opportunity to speak with an Adviser and discuss any difficulties you are facing.

Counselling is a talking therapy which helps you understand yourself and any problems are you experiencing. The service is open to all students at the University.

Workshops and Groups
Join the Wellbeing team throughout the year for free Workshops and Groups covering a wide variety of topics
Initial appointments
You can access the service in two ways: through a same day appointment, or through an advanced booking appointment. Our appointments are offered on a first come, first served basis. Within this 20 minute appointment, you will work with an Adviser to determine your ongoing support needs.
Wellbeing appointments
After your initial appointment you may be offered further wellbeing appointments, dependant on your support needs. Wellbeing appointments offer a safe space for you to discuss any difficulties you are experiencing. These difficulties may span a wide range of emotional and welfare issues. Advisers take a holistic approach, looking at all aspects of your life. They will offer information, advice and guidance to help identify current difficulties and may also signpost and refer to other appropriate services. The aim is to improve your engagement with your studies and university life.
Mental health appointments
After your initial appointment you may be offered a mental health appointment, dependant on your support needs. A Mental Health Adviser will explore with you how your mental health is adversley impacting you whilst you are at university. Advisers use a number of different strategies/interventions/techniques to support you to find better ways to manage your mental health.
How can I get an appointment?
All our appointments are booked via iPoint:
Tel: 01484 471001
In person: iPoint, Level 4, Student Central (opening hours: 8.00am–6.00pm term time and 9.00am-5.00pm summer and Christmas holidays).
Wellbeing appointments are available between 09:00am - 6:00pm term time and between 09:00 - 5:00pm over the summer and Christmas holidays.
Due to the work being carried out in the Student Services area of Student Central, services located in the area have adapted how they offer appointments to students over the summer.
Wellbeing will be offering an online service from Monday 25 July 2022. All appointments will be online, you can book an appointment by emailing If you have an existing appointment, your adviser will be in touch to move any on campus appointments to online.
We offer ongoing support as needed and we can also refer you to specialist organisations that may be able to offer tailored support and advice specific to your personal needs. If you're based off campus for a period of time you can request a telephone appointment when you book at the iPoint. You will need to provide a current contact number and we will schedule a suitable time for the appointment to take place.
What is counselling?
The University offers short-term counselling for students. This is a specific brief psychological intervention that can help a person to gain greater insight to their current difficulties. This might include the impact of current and historical issues, as well as plans for the future. If you would like to better understand why you think and feel the way you do, and gain some insight to repeating or distressing patterns of behaviour, counselling may be for you.
Short-term counselling can:
• Make links between your thoughts, feelings, behaviours and experiences
• Clarify a persons psychological challenges, offering strategies and tools for better self management
• Begin to make links between past experience and current challenges
• Manage the fluctuations and stresses that can come up from studying at university.
How can I access counselling?
If you know you're interested in counselling, please mention it to your Adviser within your appointment - they will discuss your difficulties with you and explore your options for support. Once referred to the service, you will be offered up to 5 counselling sessions. To book an initial Wellbeing appointment, please contact iPoint:
Tel: 01484 471001
In person: iPoint, Level 4, Student Central.
Counselling isn't for everyone, and you may find more suitable support in our 24/7 support section, or you may prefer to seek counselling outside of the University. There can be long wait times to be seen by a Counsellor, but you will be informed of this prior to being put on the waiting list. You are still welcome to see a Wellbeing or Mental Health Adviser in the meantime.
Our Counsellors are trained, experienced and abide by the Framework for Good Practice of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy ( Strict confidentiality will be maintained between you and your counsellor but may be broken if required by law, if agreed between you and your counsellor or if there is a risk to yourself or another person. We ask your permission to keep records of your counselling which are stored securely for a pre-agreed period in compliance with relevant data protection legislation.
24/7 support
From audio podcasts to a specialist range of reading materials, get self-help support whenever you need it