Safeguarding and keeping students safe

This page provides quick access to summary information for anybody handling a safeguarding matter related to the University of Huddersfield. Please also refer to the University Safeguarding Policy and training resources for further detailed information.

Students at a desk using computer presentations screens

Training and support

Training resources to ensure you are equipped to identify and report concerns

A group of students sitting under trees at the University of Huddersfield

What does safeguarding encompass?

Statutory safeguarding and Ofsted expectations 

Picture of a female student using a mac to design.

Reporting a concern

Find out how to report a concern and what to include in the report

Not sure? Ask or report

If you don’t deal with safeguarding on a regular basis matters can be complex and challenging. The Designated Safeguarding Officers are here to provide help and advice. If you have a scenario presented and you are unsure what to do please either report it or get in touch with one of the Designated Safeguarding Officers. They will use their expertise to determine the right course of action. Simply complete the online form as fully as possible and they will contact you.

Information, Advice and Guidance

Specialist information, resources and services to support students

Keep students safe in Schools and on course

Induction, day-to-day contact and placement support

Students reading brochures in Lockside reception

Safeguarding Network of Contacts

Desgnated Safeguarding Officers and Safeguarding Champions

Two students walking together outside, smiling and chatting. Another group of students are blurred in the background.

Student Wellbeing Support

Discover our full range of wellbeing and mental health support for students 

Creative Arts Building and Harold Wilson Building

Prevent and Safeguarding Students

Detecting signs of radicalisation that could draw students into terrorism