UniMail login details and links
If you have any issues with the UniMail service, please try HudHelp first or contact IT Support on 01484 473737 or email it.support@hud.ac.uk
Continue into UniMail
Students: When logging into UniMail, use studentid@unimail.hud.ac.uk on the login page.
PGRs: use firstname.lastnameN@hud.ac.uk on the login page.
The login screen is as shown here:

Students Email
Discover why we as an institution use UniMail and additionally follow up on possible questions you may have.
PGR Email
Learn how to access Office365 PGR Emails on multiple devices and the benefits available to you.
Learn about what happens when you finish your undergraduate study at the institution and you access.
Discover what the clutter folder is and how to turn on or off the feature if you require it.
Office 365
Learn about what Office 365 offers our students and PGR's and also what is One Drive and how to use it.
Office 365 Apps
Learn access Office365 provides e.g. Word, Excel and Powerpoints and additionally discover the new mobile application launch (iTunes).
Turning off 'Reply to all'
Discover how to correctly turn off reply to all default feature step by step.
Graduate account retirement
Learn of what happens to your unimail after graduation and find answers to frequently asked questions by other students.