Equality and diversity in the workplace

The University of Huddersfield: an inclusive community

As a university we are committed to supporting all our students achieve their potential and overcome all forms of prejudice and discrimination.

If you feel you have been subject to harassment, bullying or discrimination at the University, please see our Share and Support scheme for how we can help you.

The Faith Centre is an important expression of our commitment to inclusivity. It is designed to make people of any faith, or none, feel welcomed. Visit the Faith Centre website to find out what it offers and the exciting redevelopment that is underway. 

Employability and equal opportunities

The UK Equality Act has specified nine areas that are termed 'protected characteristics'. These include: age, sex, race, disability, pregnancy, marital status, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, religious background. Discriminating against workers because of any of the nine characteristics is against the law.

This means every individual should have:

  • An equal chance to apply and be selected for jobs.
  • An equal chance to be trained and promoted while employed with the organisation.
  • An equal chance to have their employment terminated equally and fairly.

Denying any employee or prospective employee their right to equal opportunity in the workplace is considered unlawful under the Equality Act 2010.

Source: Equal opportunities commission

Know your rights!

The Equalities and Human Rights Commission's Know your Rights page is an easy way to understand what your rights are under UK employment law.

The website also has practical advice and links to resources and support schemes on their Advice and Guidance page (use the 'I am an individual' option').

The resources below are also a great place to start for information and advice on equal opportunities and your rights:

Record disclosure

DBS checks

Need a DBS check? This is the place to start:

Criminal record disclosure

The following websites are a great place to start for advice around criminal record disclosure:


The IMAGE Project

A series of free online resources to help support university graduates on the autism spectrum to progress into the world of work and improve their job prospects.

Help and support with equality in the workplace

Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) students

Find out about support at the University and from other organisations.

Disabled students

Find out about support from Careers and Disability Services, plus advice on disclosure and reasonable adjustments.

LGBTQ+ community students

Find out about support at the University and from other organisations.


Find out about support at the University and from other organisations, plus equal pay legislation.

Care leavers and those estranged from their family

Find out about support from Careers and Wellbeing, and from other organisations.


Find out about support at the University and how the JobShop can help you find part-time work that fits with your commitments.